From Word documents to a unified platform: Tackling workflow inefficiencies
In the past four years, the technological landscape at Codeborne has evolved significantly.
How Codeborne helped Alexela to transform Estonia's energy scene with Smart Electricity, an innovative virtual power plant that promotes smarter energy use
How we helped IuteCredit scale their business in 5 countries
Shared Research brings Japanese stock market companies closer to the international investment community.
This post is a personal reflection of one of our software developers or software craftsmen as we like to call ourselves.
E-commerce thrives on cross-border shopping, but financial processes and payment systems remain trapped.
If you meet IT folks out there, very likely the general perception about Codeborne is “a Java house”. Is it true?
The adventures of Codeborne in Japan.
We are looking for experienced software craftspeople to join our strong team at Codeborne. People who love developing great software to solve complex business problems. Are you such a person?
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