Our stories

Sharing our success and experience

Partnering with Nicigas in their Energy Development Business
17 Sep 2024

Partnering with Nicigas in their Energy Development Business

In Codeborne we have built energy information systems in Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria, and Japan. With Nicigas we combined our expertise and skillset to create something new on the Japanese market.

From wine tasting to digital innovation- the birth of the Wine Experience Club
23 Aug 2024

From wine tasting to digital innovation- the birth of the Wine Experience Club

We recently sat down with our client, Rait Maasikas, to go deeper into the story behind one of our more unusual recent projects- the Wine Experience Club.

Innovating the Austrian energy market with Spotty Smart Energy Partner
23 Aug 2024

Innovating the Austrian energy market with Spotty Smart Energy Partner

Spotty Smart Energy Partner GmbH, an Austrian energy provider, partnered with Codeborne to enhance their services and bring innovative energy solutions to the market

How we built a virtual power plant
13 May 2024

How we built a virtual power plant

How Codeborne helped Alexela to transform Estonia's energy scene with Smart Electricity, an innovative virtual power plant that promotes smarter energy use

Public Key Infrastructure from scratch in 2 months
Tiit, Tarmo, Mihhail
19 Jul 2023

Public Key Infrastructure from scratch in 2 months

How we enabled IuteCredit customers to sign agreements using their mobile phone’s biometric data

1 app. 5 countries. In less than a year
Tiit, Mihhail, Erkki
19 Dec 2022

1 app. 5 countries. In less than a year

How we helped IuteCredit scale their business in 5 countries

How to make a financial report conversation starter?
Jaan, Elis
28 Oct 2022

How to make a financial report conversation starter?

Shared Research brings Japanese stock market companies closer to the international investment community.

Codeborne through the lens of a developer - what makes it special?
09 Jun 2022

Codeborne through the lens of a developer - what makes it special?

This post is a personal reflection of one of our software developers or software craftsmen as we like to call ourselves.

EU wide buy now, pay later platform
Codeborne, Tiit
15 Dec 2021

EU wide buy now, pay later platform

E-commerce thrives on cross-border shopping, but financial processes and payment systems remain trapped.

Not only a Java house
07 Jan 2021

Not only a Java house

If you meet IT folks out there, very likely the general perception about Codeborne is “a Java house”. Is it true?

Preventing the next big corporate scandal with technology
03 Dec 2020

Preventing the next big corporate scandal with technology

The adventures of Codeborne in Japan.

Do you want to be a Superb Software Craftsperson?
16 Nov 2020

Do you want to be a Superb Software Craftsperson?

We are looking for experienced software craftspeople to join our strong team at Codeborne. People who love developing great software to solve complex business problems. Are you such a person?

I love learning new programming languages
30 Jul 2020

I love learning new programming languages

There is an opening at Codeborne. For experienced software developers who wish to continuously become better in their craft. For those who would like to work intensively in a pair programming setting, learn continuously new technologies, and write really clean and good code. To give them a bit better idea what it is like to work at Codeborne, we asked a few of our colleagues what they think. This is the interview with Mira. She is originally from Ukraine but has been making waves in Estonian tech field for a decade already. Before joining Codeborne a year and a half ago she developed for Fortumo and several other companies. During her time at Codeborne she has worked on projects for a Japanese energy company, a very successful Estonian start-up, and a Russian bank.

Technical excellence is my self-actualization
29 Jul 2020

Technical excellence is my self-actualization

It is a rare moment. Codeborne is actively looking for experienced software developers who would like to create high-quality software to help our clients. The work environment in Codeborne is unique so we have asked some of our senior developers to tell what it is like to work at Codeborne. Andrei has been at Codeborne from the beginning. In more than 10 years he has worked on 15 projects.

Pair programming brings the joy of flow
28 Jul 2020

Pair programming brings the joy of flow

Codeborne is on the lookout for a few exceptional experienced programmers to join the team. To give you an idea of how unique it is to work at Codeborne, we interviewed a couple of our senior developers. Jaan has worked at Codeborne for 9 years. He has worked on more than 15 projects with clients from Estonia and abroad. Unexpectedly, Jaan has also learned to understand Russian while working extensively with one of our Russian clients.

Five months to learn Software Development - how far do you get to?
02 Jun 2020

Five months to learn Software Development - how far do you get to?

You are not a programmer. You have a career, maybe in a totally different industry. But programming intrigues you, you decide to give it a chance. How does it look like?

Pair programming during quarantine
Tiit, Jaan
11 May 2020

Pair programming during quarantine

Pair programming is a strong part of our DNA. 10 years in the business as Codeborne has proved it works and works well. And then the COVID-19 locked us all in our homes. What next? Easy, we continue the same way, programming in pairs. How is that happening?

Creating our own Estonian Amazon
Tiit, Erkki
28 Nov 2019

Creating our own Estonian Amazon

E-commerce is a topic that we have not covered in our blog so far. Despite this, we have been actively involved in this industry for years already, creating something special. We believe this unique solution will challenge even the great Amazon 😉

Kuidas me Eesti oma Amazoni tegime
Tiit, Erkki
01 Nov 2019

Kuidas me Eesti oma Amazoni tegime

E-kaubandus on teema, millest me oma blogis siiani kirjutanud pole. Ometi oleme nüüdseks juba aastaid ses valdkonnas millegi erilisega tegelenud. Unikaalne lahendus teeb oma mitmekülgsusega silmad ette vaat et ka Amazonile endale 😉

Driving agile development using a prototype
Tiit, Erkki
12 Aug 2019

Driving agile development using a prototype

A short while ago we built a system in a completely different industry than we have had been involved so far

Quickly built and reliable solution for SEPA Instant Payments
Tiit, Aivar
22 May 2019

Quickly built and reliable solution for SEPA Instant Payments

Planning to offer your customers the benefits of SEPA Instant Payments, but being short of time or missing the team to deal with all the technical hassle? We might be the perfect match!

How we crafted a loan e-service with a powerful decision engine
Tiit, Erik
06 May 2019

How we crafted a loan e-service with a powerful decision engine

In early 2018 Coop Pank, a newcomer in the Estonian banking market was looking for partners to build a new loan system. The old system was not fulfilling all their needs. We thought - we know banking and we are ready for new challenges. We got the mandate to build it.

Doing business in Japan
15 Oct 2018

Doing business in Japan

The common understanding here in the Nordics is that doing business in Japan take a lot of time and cultural differences might not be possible to overcome. It may come as a surprise that at Codeborne we have done 4 projects for 3 customers in Japan.

Kust tuleb pilt telekasse?
07 Sep 2018

Kust tuleb pilt telekasse?

Diktorid ja näitlejad räägivad oma jutu kaamerasse ning liikuv pilt edastatakse telesignaali vahendusel. Aga digiboksi tarkvara, mille kaudu pilt telerisse jõuab on ehitanud Codeborne.

“I’d like to watch TV, but I don’t have a clue what to watch”
Tiit, Aivar
29 Aug 2018

“I’d like to watch TV, but I don’t have a clue what to watch”

Has this happened to you? We helped Elisa in Estonia to create a set top box that would solve this situation.

“Tahaks telekast midagi vaadata, aga ei tea mida”
Tiit, Aivar
29 Aug 2018

“Tahaks telekast midagi vaadata, aga ei tea mida”

Ilmselt tuttav olukord sullegi. Aitasime Elisal teha digiboksi, mis seda olukorda lahendaks.

Hi. Make payment. Bye.
Maris, Erkki
11 Jun 2018

Hi. Make payment. Bye.

Forget another bank app in your smartphone. Pay using Facebook Messenger

Expobank - our internet bank crafted for EU
Tiit, Erik, Erkki
18 May 2018

Expobank - our internet bank crafted for EU

Expobank in the Czech Republic started to serve its customers online a while ago using the internet bank made by Codeborne. What made that so special for us?

Rätsepatööna tehtud tarkvara pole vaid suurtele
08 May 2018

Rätsepatööna tehtud tarkvara pole vaid suurtele

Meie juurde tuli Eesti start-up ettevõte, kel oli idee, mis peaks kõige eelduste kohaselt lendama: Eelarve koostamine ei pea olema raketiteadus. Eelarvestamist tajutakse aja- ja töömahuka protsessina, aga seda on võimalik inimlikumaks ja mugavamaks muuta.

09 Nov 2017


Tõeliselt agiilne tarkvaraarendusprojekt avalikus sektoris? Bürokraatia kadalipu tõttu tundub see paljudele võimatuna. Kuid siiski sündis Maksuradar - kuidas?

Working with numbers can be easy
03 May 2017

Working with numbers can be easy

Working with numbers can be easy

Implementing Transferwise payment into LHV mobile apps
05 Aug 2016

Implementing Transferwise payment into LHV mobile apps

For the first time in the world Transferwise service was implemented into a bank

Inwise - kiirelt tehtud täislahendus
Tiit, Tarmo
23 Nov 2015

Inwise - kiirelt tehtud täislahendus

Kuidas me ehitasime arvete e-bay'd.

Agiilne tarkvaraarendus, selgitatult
15 Sep 2015

Agiilne tarkvaraarendus, selgitatult

Üsna sageli kuuleme küsimust, “Mida see agiilne töökorraldus, millest te oma igapäevatöös juhindute, täpsemalt tähendab?” Püüame sellelt saladuselt siin katte eemaldada.

Working agile
10 Aug 2015

Working agile

Every now and then we get a question, what does Agile working arrangement that you guys preach, really mean? As we truly believe in it and practice it daily, we will take a look at our everyday life.

Единый интернет-банк для частных и юридических клиентов - миф или реальность?
Tiit, Anton, Andrei
05 Jun 2015

Единый интернет-банк для частных и юридических клиентов - миф или реальность?

Единый интернет-банк для частных и юридических клиентов - миф или реальность?

Online bank for both private and business customers. Probably the 1st in Russia.
Tiit, Anton, Andrei
24 Mar 2015

Online bank for both private and business customers. Probably the 1st in Russia.

Online bank for both private and business customers. Probably the 1st in Russia.

Cool features in online and mobile banking - on video!
Tiit, Annika, Elina, Nikita
15 Jan 2015

Cool features in online and mobile banking - on video!

Cool features in online and mobile banking - on video!

Smart business decisions from smart meters
Tiit, Toomas, Tarmo
16 Dec 2014

Smart business decisions from smart meters

Smart business decisions from smart meters

Where do I spend my electricity?
Aivar, Tiit, Jarmo
29 Sep 2014

Where do I spend my electricity?

Insightful real-time presentation of electricity consumption data

Kuhu kulub elekter?
Aivar, Tiit, Jarmo
29 Sep 2014

Kuhu kulub elekter?

Elektriandmete reaalajas kogumine eri ajastu seadmetest ja nende arusaadav esitamine

Modern design and UX for UBRD
01 Aug 2014

Modern design and UX for UBRD

How we built an online bank with award-winning user experience for UBRD

Creating a data hub for Estonian national electricity market from scratch with Elering
25 Jul 2014

Creating a data hub for Estonian national electricity market from scratch with Elering

How we built a state-wide data hub for energy market management with Elering

Never miss a final game again
04 Jun 2014

Never miss a final game again

How we helped Starman to change the way people watch television.

Enam ei jää ükski jalgpalli finaalmäng vaatamata
02 Jun 2014

Enam ei jää ükski jalgpalli finaalmäng vaatamata

Kuidas me aitasime Starmanil muuta seda, kuidas inimesed telekat vaatavad.

How Starman got a remote control in mobile
15 May 2014

How Starman got a remote control in mobile

How we built a remote control in mobile for Starman.

OCRing in Style
Jarmo Pertman
03 Jan 2014

OCRing in Style

Anton Keks
14 Mar 2013

Online bank from the scratch in five months

We created an advanced online bank for Bank St. Petersburg from scratch in just five months. This mid-size Russian bank is a major player in its home city and region. We decided to share the details on how we did this project, and also to talk about some of the implementation details.

Anton Keks
17 Dec 2012

Как мы создали продвинутый интернет-банк за 5 месяцев

Как мы создали продвинутый интернет-банк за 5 месяцев

Andrei Solntsev
01 Nov 2012

Codeborne at TopConf 2012

Andrei Solntsev
22 Apr 2012

Estimate your skills!

Andrei Solntsev
17 Apr 2012

SoapUI Tests with Ant+Ivy

Andrei Solntsev
16 Mar 2012

Why IDEA is better than Eclipse

01 Jun 2011

RIP OpenSymphony

Andrei Solntsev
11 Apr 2011

Keep API simple

Jarmo Pertman
04 Mar 2011

Is Linux As Secure As You Think?

Andrei Solntsev
09 Feb 2011

Codeborne DevClub'is

28 Jan 2011

New office

10 Jan 2011

Mobile-ID payments

Andrei Solntsev
29 Oct 2010

Unit-test evolution

Anton Keks
27 Aug 2010

Unit tests introduction

11 Jun 2010

Partial mocks

Anton Keks
03 Jun 2010

Another news article

Anton Keks
20 Feb 2010

Launching soon!

Anton Keks
29 Jan 2010
